Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Egg Word Match-Up

Since O is really enjoying sounding out words lately, I'm trying to provide her with lots of opportunities to do so. This Easter cvc word match-up game from My Montessori Journey was perfect (via Walk Beside Me)!

We've had wonderful weather lately, so we've been having circle time, work time, and picnics on our screened porch. See E's sweet little hand? She was trying to help her big sister with her work :)


  1. Great game! I will have to print it out for Arin. So sweet when the little ones want to be in the action too :)

  2. i love this! i used to do a jar of random nouns (for myself) as jumping off points for creative writing exercises... too long to explain fully, but you've inspired me to look into that again, and perhaps in new artsy ways! thanks!
