Friday, April 23, 2010

Easy Embroidery...Maybe an IKEA Hack :)

I'm not sure if this project would qualify as an IKEA hack, but maybe...

I love the simple animals on the IKEA burp cloths, and I thought they would make cute embroidery patterns.

To make E's shirt, I photocopied the burp cloth, cut out the pictures that I liked, traced over the lines with an iron on pencil, and ironed the design onto a t-shirt. I embroidered over the pattern using the backstitch. This was fast and simple to do. I've embroidered several bibs and a couple of onesies with the different IKEA animals, but the monkey is my favorite. I plan to embroider several more t-shirts for E to wear...they are so much easier than onesies now that she is using the potty often (more on that in an EC post!).


  1. Did you use a stabilizer inside the shirt? I've been planning an embroidery project on a shirt of similar fabric, but couldn't find stabilizer and feel jinxed w/out it... (I've never done this type of embroidery before.)

    Thanks for showing the project - it's adorable!

  2. Very cute. That's such a great idea.

  3. I didn't use a stabilizer. Although it is a good idea! So far the embroidery has held up very well, and she has worn the shirt often. I always wash it on delicate...
