Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Helping Out the Birds

After reading Bluebird's Nest, O and I filled a tangerine bag with materials for birds to use to build their nests (I've been saving bags to do this activity for more than a year, so I was glad to finally do it!). We put yarn, stuffing, pine straw, long blades of grass, and moss in the bag. We tied to bag to a tree, and we hope that the birds will appreciate our efforts and use the materials when building a nest :)


  1. too cool! they will totally use it. mark used to raise finches - they will use anything for nesting materials!

  2. very cool! we did something similar last month. check out our little nest zest orbs on paintcutpaste.com

  3. What a brilliant and simple idea - I'm going to borrow it for preschool. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  4. I love the idea of giving them some nesting stuff, but would be worried about birds getting their necks stuck in the stretchy net bag when they try to pull the stuff out. We usually cut up plastic nest & rings like that when we get rid of it so the critters don't get caught in it. I might try it using a cut open milk jug.

  5. Lucky birdies!! :) Cant wait to see the nest. :)
