Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unintended Break

I'll be gone from the blog for a week or so due to my utter stupidity...I sliced my finger to the bone while removing a pit from an avocado with a knife. Sweet O was running around behind me cleaning the blood up off the floor while E just wanted me to hold her. Thank goodness our neighbors are down here for the week and came to my rescue.


  1. Goodness, I'm sorry! I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  2. Oh my goodness, finger injuries can be a surprisingly long and painful road. Wishing you a quick recovery!!

  3. You poor thing. Feel better soon.

  4. Terrible, just terrible!
    Please feel better soon!

    Jody from Mommy Moment

  5. oh goodness! I hope it heals quickly! Keep it dry! (and good luck with the start of IEP season!)

  6. :( that's painful! Wish you a quick recovery.

  7. OMG!! You poor thing. that must be so painful. Look after yourself and get better soon. So lucky to have such a brave girl:)

  8. oh, that sounds horrible! hope you heal quickly!

  9. Ouch! Hope you mend quickly! :)

  10. Oh no! I hope you have a relaxing week full of recovery. We'll miss you. I am a new reader and I mean it when I say- I'll miss you! I love your ideas and am exited to use so many of them with my 15 month old.

  11. owww sounds nasty, hope it gets better soon and I am rather glad it is a pictureless post :o)

  12. Oh my!! I hope you get better quickly.

  13. Oh, so sorry to hear. I did the same with an avocado when my first was 6 months. It was very upsetting. I was told that its a very common accident. I now use a spoon to get the stone out! Hope you recover quickly. x

  14. So So sorry I have almost done that many times hope you heal soon!

  15. Yikes!!! Hope you heal quickly!

  16. Owwie! I hope you heal quickly. That's no fun!

  17. Do take good care of it, very easy to get an infection in a finger cut, even with good sanitation. Hope you get well soon, I'll miss your blog, but take the time you need to heal properly.

  18. Oh my. I really hope you feel better soon.

  19. Oh no! I really hope your finger heals quickly! I have this fear of chopping my finger with a knife!! I will miss your posts. Well wishes! :)

  20. Ouc! Hurts my finger just thinking about it. Hope it gets betters soon!

  21. Oh My Gosh!! I'm sorry you got hurt! Hope you heal quickly!!

  22. uggh! sorry!

    if it makes you feel better-ish, i stupidly shaved my finger with a veggie peeler,into a dinner i was making, and have gross scar to prove it!

    glad you will be "resting" you finger!

    accidents happen, try not to beat yourself up too much! :)

