Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun with Unit Blocks

Unit blocks (and playsilks) are my most favorite toys for my kids, and we have really enjoyed them lately. O and I have fun building towers, and E loves to knock them down.

I need to find a new storage solution for the blocks...when they are put away in their bin on the IKEA storage unit, we almost never play with them. We left them out for a few days and played with them everyday. It's interesting how the placement of a toy is so key in the amount of playtime it sees...


  1. We have the same blocks. We love them but they are SO heavy, so I have split them into two wicker baskets with handles. The bigger basket has the bigger blocks and we leave that one on the floor next to the shelf. The smaller basket stores the smaller of the unit blocks that are easier for the 10 month old to handle. That basket is on his shelf. It allows us to play the blocks more because they are more accessible.

  2. We've had the same thing happen with toys... it's such a challenge to figure out a way to organize them so that they're accessible and visible yet cleverly in their own little basket or whatnot. Baskets are working great for us with a lot of smaller toys, but maybe a bigger basket with handles or a clear tub? Hope you find something that works for you.

    I haven't gotten any unit blocks for my daughter yet, but that may make a great birthday gift. ;) I really enjoy your blog.

  3. a friend and I were just saying this exact thing she said you have to "advertise" the toys in a way that the kids want to play with them. Placement is key!

  4. We have a playtable that has openings on the sides for organization. It's easy for babies to reach and also great for clean up!

  5. We love unit blocks here too! We have ours in a big woven basket in the living room and that works well for us.

  6. The best organization I've seen for unit blocks is this:
    Using some low shelves, trace and cut out the different block shapes you have, then label the shelf areas wth the cutouts and contact paper. The footprints give kiddos a reminder about where the blocks go. Where did you get your unit blocks and how many do you have for your set? I haven't bought a set yet for my son, so I'm interesetd in what you're using. Thanks!

  7. We keep ours out in a plastic bin in the living room. It is the only toy that has a permanent home in the living room. Other toys may be played with in the living room, but get put away in the girls' room.

  8. We have our in storage-palooza from Land of Nod. It hold A LOT of blocks and doubles as a bench/horizontal surface for playing.
