Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Homemade Yogurt Smoothie

O and I recently made a homemade yogurt smoothie drink as suggested by a commenter. To make the smoothie, we poured milk into a glass bottle along with several spoonfuls of plain yogurt. O put the lid on the bottle and shook it to mix the milk and yogurt. She tasted it and declared that it had no taste and needed something more. She then mashed a banana and added it to the mixture (she loves to make concoctions and almost always includes mashed bananas in her recipes). She said her smoothie was delicious, so hopefully our days of buying yogurt drinks are behind us!


  1. Yummy! My 5 year old little man and I love to make different kinds of yogurt smoothies with our immersion blender. I love that thing! Little brother is always a willing taste-tester! :)

  2. We love our immersion blender too! We make all kinds of things that way and the kids can do it.

    I love that little glass bottle...perfect!

  3. great idea, we just made butter by shaking. I bet it would be great with any fruit! karen

  4. Great idea!! Where did you find that cute glass bottle to drink from?

  5. An immersion blender is a great idea!
    Karen- I recently bought cream to make butter, but I forgot about it and it went bad :( It's definitely something I plan to do again soon...I love homemade butter with homemade bread!

    The glass bottle is actually an Evenflo 4 ounce baby bottle. E didn't like drinking breastmilk from the glass bottles, so I use them for freezing milk. I'm excited to find other uses for them once I no longer need to keep such a large supply of frozen milk on hand.

  6. ::Little burst of pleasure::
    That was my suggestion. Glad to see that your daughter liked it :)

  7. Do you have peaches yet? Ya'll could totally make peach smoothies! Seth loves smoothies - sometimes I add wheat germ and a little oj for sweetness.

  8. In middle eastern cultures, there is something called doogh. Not sure show you spell is in english, but it is wondeful. You use plain yogurt, with regular or carbonated water, and can add fresh herbs. It is wondeful- and good for you.
