Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Lesson Learned

I was suckered into subscribing to Mothering magazine by the promise of a free mini beco carrier. I didn't need another magazine to read, but I thought that O would love a mini beco carrier for her 4th birthday, and I've always been a little intrigued by Mothering magazine. So, a couple of days ago, I received a book in the mail from Mothering. It seems that the mini becos went fast, so they sent books to everyone else. HUGE disappointment. I called Mothering and left a message that I would like my money refunded since I only subscribed to the magazine since they were offering mini beco carriers for new subscriptions. Someone called from the magazine and was very nice. They'll cancel my subscription, but I have to go through the hassle and expense of mailing the book back. Grrrrrr. I would have thought that the people at Mothering would have been technically savvy enough to have a notice on their site that alerts subscribers when certain deals have been sold out...they only had 300 mini beco carriers, so after 300 people subscribed a message should have come up when the code was entered saying that the deal was no longer available. Anyway, what's done is done. I'm hoping that they'll cancel my subscription and just charge me for the book (I can save it for a birthday gift). I've learned a valuable lesson...don't subscribe to magazines just for the free gifts! Also, I don't think I'll ever be intrigued by Mothering magazine again...I'll stick to Living Crafts and Family Fun!


  1. I actually really like Mothering magazine since the emphasis is on attachment parenting. I find it to be a bit on the pricey side though, and what happened to you seems like a bit of a bait and switch.

  2. Oh, Mothering magazine is awesome! You'd probably really love it. Too bad about the bag though.

  3. I've always thought it was pricey, too, which is why I've always resisted the temptation to subscribe...

  4. Mothering Magazine is such a good magazine. I'm sorry to hear about the disappointment about the carrier. You might want to give the magazine a chance, though. In my opinion, it, along with Brain, Child, are the two best parenting magazines.

  5. I love Mothering Mag too. Not sure if you are a member of your local Holistic Moms Network Chapter, but if so you can get it the magazine online for free.

  6. We love Mothering magazine, too :)

  7. I've seen the mini beco baby carrier on dicount sites a few times for $12 plus shipping. I don't want to junk up this comment with all the sites I check but if you are interested which sites it comes up on, just let me know and I'll email you the sites.

  8. i love mothering magazine as well. such a high quality magazine. i would give it a try if you think you might like it.

  9. I bet you could make one!

  10. What a bummer that you missed out on the Mothering Magazine offer. I can see how that would be frustrating, and I'm glad they apologized. Hopefully, they will receive your feedback and run the giveaway differently the next time.

    I read lots of fluff and let other subscriptions come and go (everything from Family Fun to US), but I find Mothering unique in that it supports and provides community for a particular kind of parenting. It's also often readily available for free at Yoga Studios, your local library, etc. Perhaps you might enjoy looking for Peggy O'Meara's collection of essays from your library for free. Or perhaps this is the book they sent you, which you are planning on returning? Perhaps give the book a chance. It might be an even bigger gift to you than the carrier would have been.

    What I like about Mothering Magazine that advocates for women, families, employs their staff in a humane manner providing reasonable work/life balance, runs articles on sling safety, publishes articles on vaccine safety, cosleeping safety, breastfeeding benefits -- basically is the lone voice of non-mainstream parenting in the publishing world. To me, that's worth a lot!

  11. That is a disappointment! I like Mothering too, it is a bit pricey and it tends to be a little on the opposite spectrum from me religiously and politically but I still love all the great articles and it has great info. I'm with you though, I REALLY don't have time to read too many magazines so I did let it run out.

  12. Thanks for all of the comments. Sarah from Mothering was supposed to call me back today and didn't, so I might be keeping the subscription after all. I just don't have the time or energy to keep calling to get something else worked out, so I may just take the easy road. You all have tempted me by your support of Mothering, so maybe they aren't so bad after all :)
    Hilde- They sent a children's book...it's a counting book that's cute, but nothing special.

  13. Jo- I'd love to find a site where I can get the Beco Mini for 12 dollars! THanks!

  14. I love Mothering. It is a really high quality magazine. Sorry you missed out on the giveaway.

  15. Just wanted to add my voice to the choir of those who love Mothering. Did you know that they have a huge online community with discussion boards as well?

  16. sorry you didn't get your mini beco they are awesome. Mothering magazine is also awesome and I get the same other two magazines you get and love them all for different reasons.

    Definitely though we don't do mag subs for free things. You're lucky because the mothering magazine staff has always been wonderful to work with. I've had other magazines be real pains.

  17. That is disappointing. I have loved Mothering mag for a long time. I've subscribed since 1993, and recently canceled because I've read IT ALL, ha ha. Thanks for cluing me into Living Crafts. Never heard of that one, and I'm mightily tempted! :)
