Thursday, July 22, 2010

E Loves to Swing!

After reading about how babies should swing in toddler swings everyday since it's such wonderful vestibular stimulation, I was motivated to get O's swing ready for E (the ropes were spiky due to sun exposure...I covered the ropes with duct tape, which worked perfectly).

E LOVES to swing (especially when O is pushing her)! Unfortunately, O's swingset is across the yard from E's swing, so I am constantly running from one to the other pushing them in their swings. Although, I guess that's a good thing...I need the exercise!


  1. Always love your ideas - wanted to share an idea that might help you. Our baby swing has fairly short ropes and metal hooks at the top which we had hooked over a branch with our first sweetie was born. With the second, we were like you and the great location in the tree was across the yard from the swingset. We flopped one swing over the top of the swingset and hooked the baby swing right thru the hooks that hold the swing. It's easy to take down and move if we need two "big kid" swings, but it also keeps the girls close so we can all swing and play a little bit easier.

  2. There are few things as joyful as swinging, for kids and adults alike! It is one of the best-stress relievers, ever, and there are so many more benefits, as well.

    There's a great post about how good swinging is for kids that you can see here.

    What a great way to spend the summer months!

  3. Bless your heart-I cant imagine running back and forth like that!lol

  4. My little Rue (14 months) loves when we swing together! I put her on my lap and away we swing, when I put her in the toddler/baby swing she doesn't seem to like it as much.

  5. We hit up the grandparents for a baby swing that goes on the playscape. Nice to have them both next to each other!

  6. I just think you have the best photos!! These two are super adorable!
