Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun with Worms

O and her Daddy went fishing on Monday morning. They didn't catch anything, but they had fun. O especially had fun playing with the worms when they got back. She made letters out of them and lined them up for races.

She counted the worms and held them all in her hands. Then she insisted that I hold them in my hands. I wasn't excited about it, but I did it. She said "Aren't they wiggly and squiggly?" Yes, they were!


  1. that is disgusting.
    and adorable.

    i wish my girls would hold worms.
    but not make me do it.

    and when did you change the picture in your blog header? too cute!!

  2. Just found your blog and glad I did! So adorable! My girls like going fishing too. I enjoy doing all kinds of crafts and activities with them. :-) Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Blessings, Jill

  3. How very creative to make letters out of the worms!

  4. oh wow thats something i would never be able to do but i should prepare (mentally) since i have a boy
