Friday, July 30, 2010

Making Homemade Bread and Butter

O and I have been reading books from the Little House on the Prairie series for the past month or so. We both LOVE the books, and I look forward to naptime and bedtime so we can read a few more chapters! Since we've been reading the books, we've been trying to do activities similar to those that Mary and Laura do (we play "Mary and Laura and Baby Carrie" ALL the time). Recently, we made homemade bread and butter. O LOVED the butter and was licking it off her bread and spreading more on. We were excited to read about Laura trying to catch minnows today, so we are going to try to catch minnows tomorrow morning (something we do often anyway!).


  1. There is a cookbook from the series that we stumbled upon when began reading. It was so much fun for all of us to create and eat something that Laura or Almanzo had done.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! We are also reading them!! I love it because I read them as a young girl. Amelia also loves playing 'Ma and Laura'. LOL So funny and cute.

  3. I remember in fourth grade our teacher Mrs. Caple read the entire series to us. Every day after lunch we would have quite time. We would set at our desk, we could put our heads down and would listen to her read aloud. I can still hear her wonderful voice as she took us back to pioneer times.

    She read them EVERY year to her class and taught for over 40 years. She probably knew them by heart.
    She was one of my favorite teachers and I believe Laura and Mary might have had something to do with that. She truly is the teacher that instilled in me a love of reading that I have until this day.

  4. Is there anyway you could post the bread and butter recipes or, if you have a moment and don't want to post, email it to me? I would love to do this with my daughter.

    I love reading your blog! You are so creative and your kids are gorgeous!

  5. Not sure how author made her butter but we made some with our history co-op last year and this is all we did. Put heavy cream in a jar with a lid and shake. That's it. You could add a bit of salt if you wanted salted butter. The cream will separate and you can pour off the buttermilk to be used for something else. You do have to shake it for a bit. I know if you were making it for your family on a regular basis you would probably use your mixer or something but this is great fun with kids and delicious too!

  6. Can you recommend any other short chapter books your LOL enjoyed? I don't think my son will appreciate Little House right now! BUT, making homemade bread and butter is a great idea.

  7. To make the butter, we just put heavy cream in my mom's bullet blender...much faster than shaking it in a jar :) The bread was from a mixture that my mom had, which made it easy.
