Sunday, July 11, 2010

O's 4th Birthday Cake

We started the tradition of having O decorate her own birthday cake last year, and she was SO excited to do it again this year! She picked out the decorations, icing, and candles, and she and my mom made her cake and icing on the day before her party. My mom iced the cake with white icing, and then O decorated it with supervision from me. I helped her press on the nozzle for the blue icing (we did hand over hand), but she did everything else on her own. She had a great time and was so proud!

O has had Cinderella on her mind since she had Princess Dance Camp a few weeks ago, so she decided she wanted to have Cinderella on her cake. I felt a little panicky when I overheard her telling her grandmother that she was going to let me help her decorate her cake so that I could draw Cinderella on it. Yikes! I told my mom about this, and she had the great idea to use O's Cinderella figurine. Phew!

O decided to put Miss Lilly on her cake, too, since Miss Lilly is a ballet teacher (and reminds her of her imaginary friend/dance teacher whose name is also Miss Lilly). If you've never let your child decorate a cake on their on, I highly recommend trying it! I love that there is no pressure on me to make a beautiful, creative cake, and I love that O is able to have creative freedom to create her own masterpiece!


  1. Thats a great idea! And she did a good job too!
    Hey! I got an Award for you :)
    Please check it out at

  2. yes good job.. and sadly it is better than some of mine ;)

  3. Great idea! Will try it on my girl next birthday. The cake is really beautiful :)

    Happy Birthday O!

  4. very cute! What a fun tradition. P.S. I love your new photo header!

  5. Happy Birthday O !!!!The cake looks very cool!!

  6. Beautiful cake, and beautiful idea.

  7. What a fantastic idea! My son would love it.

  8. So cute. And what a fun idea to have them decorate their own cake. My two year old is really into helping us cook right now and we make cookies all the time. Thanks for the great idea.
