Thursday, August 19, 2010

We Are So Thankful...

We had a near tragedy while we were at the beach...Elliott, his dad, and O were in the ocean. O was in an inflatable boat, and they were riding the waves in water that was waist deep on Elliott. A huge wave crashed on them. When Elliott wiped the water from his eyes, O was gone. The wave knocked her out of the boat, sucked her under, and pulled her away from him. Luckily, she had on a life jacket, and she popped up about 10 feet from him, and they quickly swam to each other. I don't even want to think about the outcome had she not been wearing a life jacket.

We spent 2 weeks at the beach and saw plenty of small kids swimming and playing in the water, and O is the only child I ever saw who was wearing a life jacket. Elliott and I are known for being overprotective, but in this instance it paid off. We are forever thankful that we insist on our sweet girl wearing a life jacket in the ocean.

I'm sharing this story to encourage you to put a life jacket on your child if they are swimming in the ocean. O was with 2 adults and was in an inflatable device, but she could have easily been lost had she not been wearing a life jacket. It's amazing how quickly a tragedy can occur especially in a place as unpredictable as the ocean.


  1. I was an ocean rescue lifeguard and I just wanted to share a piece of advice on lifejackets. They are great life savers, but please don't wear them in rough surf that breaks onshore. The wave will pick the child up to the crest of the wave and slam them, with much force, into the sand.
    Be careful!

  2. We took 2 beach trips this summer and my kids were the only ones I saw with life jackets on as well. My kids are 3 and 4 and I am so glad I was the over-protective mom! The ocean (and water in general)makes me so nervous. Thank you for posting this! Hopefully others will read and take heed!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear all is well!

  4. Thank you for writing about this. My daughter swims in the ocean almost every day and she always wears a life jacket. Luckily where we live the water is very calm but it's still a scary thing.

  5. Thank you! for sharing this with us, I can't even imagine the "ugly" feeling you had. My goodness everything is ok, thumbs up for you and your husband.

  6. How scary!!! I'm so glad your sweet one is ok!

  7. that was hard to read. i'm so sorry you had to experience that. we are a little overprotective too but it is worth it.....many hugs to you guys!

  8. Thank you for sharing this. It is always good to be reminded to be safe. Thanking God that your little girl is ok.

  9. Poor kiddo! We don't do life jackets, and we're not at all known for being over-protective (probably quite the opposite!) but we also don't swim in the ocean, so there you go, I guess. We're more of a run around and chase the waves and dig in the sand sort of family.

  10. I know right what you are talking about. A few years ago I had taken my children to the beach alone. 4 at the time. I made them stay near the shoreline since I was by myself. My brother eventually came along. He went out to swim farther and a young teen was right beside him. A riptide pulled this boy under and he popped up out farther in the sea. My brother tried to reach him but lifeguards came and he swam on shore. After several minutes I took the kids back to the room because I knew the outcome. That boy lost his life that day. Such a same. The ocean always scares me. I dont take my eyes from them for a second.

  11. That is so scary! I am so glad she is safe. Just makes you want to hug your kids tighter!

  12. That is scary! I am glad that everything turned out okay.
    We stayed on a lake for our vacation and the number 1 rule when down by the wtaer or on the dock was that Madeline and Owen must wear their life jackets. It may seem a little over protective but I'm okay with that!

  13. The first thing I learned as a child at the beach: in case of undertow, swim parallel to the shore!

    I'm so glad your child is ok! that is so scary. If you're not a strong swimmer, I don't recommend going in water that deep at all.
