Saturday, September 11, 2010


I will miss my ballerina princess enjoying her Montessori homeschool because she's now attending a REAL Montessori school! She started school last Tuesday, and she loves it. I miss her so much, but I know that she is having a great time and is learning so much. Her class and all of the materials are amazing. Her teachers are great, and she loves them. I'm so happy that she is spending more time with other kids and has more opportunities for making friends.

This is how I amused myself after E, Elliott, and I got home from dropping O off at her first day of school :)

O refuses to tell me what she does at school if I ask her, but if I don't ask her, she'll gradually share details. She loves to wash dishes, and she was very excited about cleaning a mirror and shining shoes. She also said she did the spindle box, and she came home with several sheets from the metal insets.

This blog will be changing a little...although, not that much since I really haven't done much Montessori work with O in a few months (we had to move the Montessori shelf out to the garage since the baby was pulling up on it, and it's on casters and top heavy...also, we just don't do much "school" work in the summer since we spend most of our time outside on the beach and in the lake). I'll be posting about all of the various activities (mostly Montessori inspired) that I do with E, the art, nature, and cooking activities that I do with O in the afternoons, product reviews (about 4 coming up fairly soon along with a couple of giveaways), and handmade gifts (I'm WAY behind on this...I still haven't posted about a couple of handmade gifts from last Christmas).

Thanks for reading!


  1. what a milestone! :) I'm so happy for her!

  2. oo I bet she is loving it!! E looks super cute in her wig ;-)

  3. I'm so jealous that you have a Montessori School in your area. The closest one for us is 2 hours away.
