Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Candy Corn Math Work

I gave O this set of Halloween foam stickers that have the numbers 1 to 10 written on them.  To complete the work, she was supposed to put the numbers in order and then put the correct number of candy corn under each number.  She enjoyed putting the numbers in order, but she was not interested in putting the correct number of candy corn under the numbers. 

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and I found this activity hidden in the top of the computer armoire...Elliott put it up there when he was cleaning the kitchen one night.  So, today I asked O if she was interested in this activity.  She wasn't that interested, but she really wanted to eat the candy corn.  I told her that she had to do the work before she ate the candy because we wouldn't have enough candy corn for the work if she ate it first.  So, she did it.   As she was working, she commented that the candy corn looked like the red rods.  She then commented in a surprised tone that 8 was the same length as 7.  I asked if she was sure, and she checked her work and realized that she had only put 7 pieces of candy corn under the 8.  She laughed and corrected herself.

As she worked, she excitedly chose the pieces of candy that she wanted to eat.  She was excited when she finished the work and had 2 pieces of candy left, and she immediately ate a piece.  I reminded her that she should have had the exact amount that she needed.  She checked her work and quickly realized that she had only put 7 pieces of candy corn under # 9.  She added a piece to make 8, but didn't have enough to make 9.  I was surprised by how upset she was that her work was not correct.  I told her it was ok, and reminded her to check her work before eating the candy next time.  Then we each ate several pieces of candy corn...I admit it...I have a candy corn addiction :)


  1. You have such fun ideas! I want to be like you! ps, where did you get the ice cube tray that you used for the clothespins in the ice cube tray?
    amousser {at} gmail (dot) com

  2. I found the ice cube tray at my mom's house...she was about to donate it to the thrift store. I'll ask where she bought it, but I doubt she remembers :)

  3. What a cute idea! I may be stealing this one for my daughters kindergarten Halloween party.

  4. Very fun idea! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  5. What a lovely idea. You have such good ideas. Really love your blog.
    Great stuff.

  6. I've been back reading our blog. it's awesome. but I've got to ask how old your two are?

  7. I love seasonal and holiday activities to add interest throughout the year. This is a great Montessori-inspired Halloween activity! I featured your photo and post in my Montessori-Inspired Halloween Activities post at
