Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween "I Spy" Bottle

I'm very slowly starting to read blogs again after an almost 6 months hiatus, and I was excited to see this idea for a Halloween "I Spy" bottle on Pink and Green Mama.  What a fun idea...and SO easy to implement! 

I gathered a bunch of small Halloween themed items from around our house.

I drew black eyes onto white beans to make them look like ghosts.

I combined all of the items with black beans and black eyed peas in a plastic bottle.  I had O in mind when I was making the Halloween I Spy bottle, but E turned out to love it much more than O.  I am not exaggerating when I say that we shook the bottle and found the cat at least 15 times in the first 20 minutes after I made the bottle.  She kept saying "cat!" over and over and over again.  This afternoon she saw the bottle and started yelling "cat! cat!"  So we found the cat many more times.  What fun for my cat obsessed baby!

I love the idea of holiday themed "I Spy" bottles, and I'm wondering why I never thought of this!  I'm looking forward to making Christmas and Valentine's Day bottles!


  1. OMG! I love this idea! AND...I'm obsessed with your blog!

    Now off to search for Halloween "I Spy" items...

  2. Amazing idea!! Why spend $30 bucks on a store made one when you can make themed ones! I'm going to make 4 of these for my son and daycare babies!!!

  3. What a GREAT idea!! i am going out today and getting a bunch of lil things. Great Christmas gifts as well...

  4. What a great idea to make a holiday themed Ispy bottles! I just may have to make one today! Thanks for sharing!

    I just became a follower and I love your ideas!

  5. I am actually in the process of collecting items so that I can make an i-spy bottle for each month. The plan is to use 2 liter bottles and cover big holidays, family birthdays, and maybe a few other things. I really want to emphasize the seasonal things for each month. And when I FINALLY have them done, I want to make them part of our seasonal table!

  6. I made one and linked back to your page, thanks for the idea!

  7. I love these bottles! Very cool!

  8. the little white beans are awesome. the boys would love to do that.

  9. Brilliant! I can't wait to make one. I love your blog because I have a baby E too and I get tons of great ideas to try with her!

  10. I was already planning on making I-Spy Halloween bottles but was pondering some inexpensive ideas for trinkets. Your ghosts are PERFECTION. LOVE IT. Thanks so much for the idea! :)
