Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tearing Paper

I set up a bin full of fall colored construction paper for E to tear, pull, and crumple (this is a great activity for developing fine motor control).  She seems a little shocked by this activity...I guess she's used to her sister freaking out and removing her (O's) construction paper artwork from her hands as soon as she touches it.  We had fun tearing paper today, and I think she'll enjoy it even more when I add a few pieces of tissue paper to the bin.


  1. My little guy, "Boo", is 13 months, and would have a blast with this. We may just have to try this one after we drop big sister off at pre-school in the morning! Thank you for all of the great baby ideas! Love them!

  2. If you can get some cheap scrapbooking paper, sometimes the "tear" part is a different color :)

  3. Catalogues have nice thin paper that's easy to tear (well, Penny's or Sears--maybe not J. Crew). We had a box in the closet for *years* with torn up catalogue paper, and extra catalogues for those times when the Tearing Bug hits. All the torn paper in a big cardboard box became...a bathtub...snow! stand on a chair and dump it all out!...imaginary juice and cereal...all sorts of things. And in the box were a couple of small broom/dustpan sets for sweeping up the paper. Sweeping and dumping in the box is fun, too:))

  4. Yea, I tried this a few times with the toddlers I watch last year and they midly freaked out about getting to rip. Even this year, at 2.5, they still don't love to do it but I get it out on occassion. Tissue paper has been slightly more successful than thick paper or just plain white paper.

  5. I bookmarked your blog a year or so ago with the activity bags ideas and just came back to it now!
    My oldest(3.5) is in a Montessori preschool 3 mornings a week. I'd like to start doing some activities with my youngest (1) like you are with E. E was lucky enought to watch you and O work so it seems she learned how to use the rug for work and the shelf, etc. Do you have any suggestions for getting my youngest started on these procedures since he hasn't watched me work with my oldest?
    Love your blog, thank you for all the inspiration!

  6. Oh my... My Miss K will love this! I'll be featuring this as part of my baby play roundup. xo Pauline

  7. My daughter loved this tonight. My husband was the one who freaked out and said I was "teaching" her it was ok to rip things. Ugh. Either way, we did it and she loved it! She was struggling to rip it on her own, but loved handing it to me and then ripping it from my hands. She also loved crumpling it and shaking it. We used a laundry basket and I used it as a practical life lesson. I helped her put the paper back into the basket after she got it out. Ultimately she was learning how to clean up after herself. She did great!
