Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Surprise Balls

I made Christmas surprise balls for the girls a few weeks ago, and they are nestled near the top of our tree.  O is SO excited about opening hers!   I'm going to let them open them on December 23, so they won't get overlooked in all of the Christmas excitement. 

E's center gift is a holztiger cat Holztiger Katze, klein, grau.  I started a collection of holztiger animals for her for her 1st birthday.  We gave her a giraffe since we fed giraffes on her birthday.  She'll get this cat and a zebra for Christmas, since she is obsessed with cats and she dressed as both a zebra and later a cat for Halloween.

O's center gift is a pack of silly bands, but I'm sure the chocolate will be her favorite!

I made a Valentine's Day Surprise Ball for O this year for Valentine's Day.  I explained how I made the ball and included a pic of the process in that post if you are interested in more details.


  1. What fun! I've just posted about this on my Counting Coconuts Facebook page. :)

  2. Cute! I plan on doing something similar but with yarn instead of crepe paper.

  3. Very fun! We will have to try making some. We have a Christmas pickle ornament that gets moved around on our tree. They have to find it and then, get a special gift for finding it.
    Like this idea to add with that one...
    Happy holidays!

  4. My mom always hides a pickle on her tree! The winner gets 50 dollars, and I've won for the past 2 years...I really love this tradition. They hide it REALLY well, and my brother, sister and I all search frantically for it. Fun times!

  5. What a fun idea! I will be trying this with my son. I think he will love it!
