Monday, December 27, 2010


did not go as planned.  We were all downed by a vicious stomach bug.  It started with E last Wednesday.  O was the next victim followed by me on Christmas Eve.  We enjoyed Christmas day together before the virus struck Elliott during the night on Christmas night.  We are all still recovering.  It was still a good could it not be with these sweet girls?  However, I may quarantine the whole family a couple of weeks before Christmas next year!


  1. Mercy--I hope I didn't send it over! That bug just went around Yokohama two weeks ago--we all got it, too (as well as my daughter's entire first grade class). I'm so sorry you all had it for Christmas :-(( I was down with a fever myself Christmas Eve, though, if it makes you feel better... ;-)) O-daiji ni nasatte kudasai! (Please take good care!) Hoping you're all feeling much better--thanks so much for sharing all your *wonderful* Christmas ideas!

  2. We have experienced a similar sad 'jolly holiday'. Hope you all are feeling better!


  3. We just had a similar experience. All that lovely sugar that isn't normally in the house really attracts those nasty viruses. Bummer. We had a fantastic day still, even with the stuffy heads, head aches, and dizziness. Happy New Year

  4. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. That is too bad - maybe the New Year celebration will go a little better. Hang in there.

  5. Ugh, doesn't family sickness like that just suck.
    I'm glad you guys still had a good Christmas though.
