Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Pom Pom Garland

O and I recently made a pom pom garland for our Christmas tree.  We used a blunt tipped needle, embroidery thread, and pom poms to make the garland.

O has been learning to embroider at school (and occasionally at home), so she is very interested in sewing now.  We had fun taking turns threading the pom poms onto the thread.  We are both very happy with our garland!

Here is the garland with some of my favorite ornaments.

Our tree is only 4 feet's a hand-me down, it's fake, its pre-lit with colored lights, and we love it!  Almost all of our ornaments are either handmade or bought while on vacation, so they have stories behind them. It was so much fun to decorate the tree, and tell O and E the stories behind the ornaments as we decorated.

I'm not sure if our pom pom garland is going to survive Miss E...she's determined to pull it off and eat it!  She calls the pom poms "ball, ball," and she's determined to get them.  She was also determined to help us make the garland, so I let her string a few pom poms on the thread...she does not like to be left out of any activity!

Our first advent activity was setting up our Nativity scene.  We never actually set it up...

I'm really looking forward to our daily advent activities.  I'm going to try to relate the activities to the specific Christmas books that we read each day, but I haven't gotten everything organized yet.

Here's a list of some of our planned activities (in no particular order):

set up nativity
hang stockings
make and drink hot chocolate
watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas
make beaded candy cane ornaments
make beaded stars and Christmas trees
make painted gifts for grandparents
cut paper snowflakes
make chocolate and sugar cookie playdough (to play with and to give as handmade gifts)
make and decorate sugar cookies
decorate a gingerbread cottage
go see the lights at the zoo
go see our beautiful ballerina (O) perform in the Nutcracker Ballet
donate toys to Toys for Tots

I have a list of almost 30 activities, but I don't have it with me.  After meeting on 38 kids at work today, my brain is tired and I can't remember any more of the activities...I'll add the rest of the activities when I have a chance.


  1. great ideas!! thank you so much!

  2. Hi! I found my way here through Modge Podge Rocks! I had to comment because I love your pom pom garland! Also, our tree is decorated with all homemade ornaments or those we collect on vacation! LOVE IT!!!

  3. Hey! Love your tree! Most of our ornaments were handpainted or made by us or someone else. The ones that are not either came from special trips, were gifts from Zach's grandparents, or came off of my mom's tree. She gave me the wooden beads from her tree and a few other things. It is always fun to tell the boys about our ornaments as well. I did tell Zach that we may need an extra tree next year b/c with 3 kids we are starting to fill up the tree with only their handmade ones. :)
