Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Velcro Ball

  The girls and I had a fantastic time playing with this velcro ball yesterday afternoon. 

To make this activity, I cut small pieces of sticky backed velcro (the sticky side) and put them all over the ball.  When I was making it, O was wearing a fuzzy hat that I knitted for her on a round loom.  I threw the ball at her head and it stuck...the look on her face was priceless!  After that I thought we probably shouldn't use the hand knit hats because the threads pull out with the velcro.  I thought the knit hats from the dollar section of Target would work well, but they really didn't.  I think the knit is just too flat.  However, we had a great time trying to get the ball to stick to O's head.  The novelty of having a ball thrown at your head and actually doing the throwing was very entertaining for both of them.

The gloves (from the dollar section of Target) worked well for catching the ball.

O's tutu worked best of all!

I saw this activity somewhere last winter...probably either in Family Fun magazine or on a blog.


  1. using tutus - that is genius!

    It's looking like it will be a snow day for us tomorrow...time to find the velcro...

    thanks for reminding me of this activity

  2. I'm making this as a gift for one of my nieces! I saw it here at Craftzine last year.

  3. Your website is wonderful!! Full of treasures for me to use with my own children. Thank you so much for sharing!

    The velcro balls is just too funny (and fun). I can't wait to try... off to the fabric store for some velcro!


  4. Ha Ha! I'm nominating you for mom of the year based on this sentence, "I threw the ball at her head and it stuck" - Love it. I recommended your felt nativity board to one of my readers at It's in the comment section of the "Christmas Fun with Felt" post. Thanks for the chuckle :)

  5. Wow, it looks like so much fun! I think my mr2yo would also think it was hilarious :)
