Monday, January 24, 2011

Knobbed Cylinders for Baby

E is a little young for the knobbed cylinders (16 months), but I knew this was a work that she'd love, so I decided to go ahead and introduce it to her.  (One of the beauties of not being a real Montessori teacher is that I can do things the way I want to!)  E LOVED this work, and I was surprised by how focused she was on this task.

When I was giving her this lesson, I was very methodical, deliberate, and thoughtful with my movements.  I said "hmm" when I was thinking about which knobbed cylinder to put in each place.  When E was completing the work, she kept saying "HUMMM," and now she calls this work "HUMMM."  When I ask her if she wants to do "HUMMM," she excitedly shakes her head "no" which means "yes."  (she's gotten a little confused about the difference between shaking and nodding her head this cute).

Here is a video of E working with the knobbed cylinders.  I could watch this video over and over again.  I love watching the way her mind works.  The mind of a child is an amazing thing.

She didn't finish the knobbed cylinder, but we left it out and finished it later.


  1. Awwwww!! That is just *swooningly* cute! She really said "HUMMMM"! Adorable! And super smart--look at those prehensile little hands...

  2. WOW!! This is really impressive! You did an excellent job with not intervening, it must have been hard! E is so so patient, it is lovely to watch.

  3. Amazing! E use very well the knobbed cylinders for a 16 months old child! I like how she compares cylinders to find the good place!

  4. I did the same with my son when he was 16 months. He watches the 3 year old do it so of course he wanted to join in. He does it so carefully too, just like E. I think watching their siblings do it makes them know how to treat a material.

  5. Okay, all educational value aside, that is dang adorable! But also amazing that she really can do it :)

  6. She is so so cute..makes want to have another baby and be able to do more stuff than I did with C whne she was an infant.Lovely!

  7. awwww!!! She's sooo cute!! I love this video!!! Thanks for share it!!
