Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do-A-Dot Art Painters

E loves to paint with her dot painters that her grandparents gave her for Christmas.  They are perfect for way for toddlers to paint with almost no mess.  E had a taste of her blue dot painter, so she had a blue tongue, blue lips, and a blue nose.  Luckily, she looks pretty cute in blue! Here is the set that we have  Do-A-Dot Rainbow Art Set (Set of 6) (this is an affiliate link!).


  1. Kayley LOVES her dot-art-painters!!! :)

  2. My yougest son love his one too! It's really great for young childs! :)

  3. dot painters are so much fun we made some homemade ones using the little tubes that hold water for flowers

  4. Yes! Ty just tried these for the first time this week and he was giggling the entire time! They were such a staple when I worked in a traditinal daycare years ago, but I had trouble finding them recently. Fun, fun!

  5. We have some of those and my little one LOVES them as well!

  6. I love these!

    I have looked in Japan but can`t find them anywhere- might be on the list of things I want an American friend to pick up next time she is home.

    We had them at a kindy I used to work at and the kids LOVED them! We had some with glitter too which was pretty.

  7. I love dot-dot painter- I recently purchased the bingo bottles from discount school supply (since they can be refilled) and reviewed them on my blog as well! Too bad they did not meet my expectations. do you know if you can refill the dot-a-dot?
