Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our February Poetry Basket

February has been a busy month, and we've only read our poem from our poetry basket a few times.  I couldn't find a poem that I liked on the internet, so I decided to just get one from one of our children's poetry books.  I love Wild Beasts by Evaleen Stein, and it's perfect for acting out (although the props don't fit in our basket!). 

Baby E likes to point to the words while reciting her version of the poem. 

O has had fun acting like a lion "beneath a nursery chair."


  1. I'm sure Baby E's version of the poem is awesome :)

  2. That is a really cute poem, love that they acted it out. Karen

  3. I have always enjoyed your blog, and for some time now, i have been wanting to give you an award.. and I have it all figured out! Y Ou are now an INSPIRED BLOGGER to me. Please see my "inspire me blogs" tab, to see your blog being featured and you can even take on eo my cutsie buttons!
