Monday, February 14, 2011

Van Gogh Art Study Continued

O and I (and occasionally baby E) have continued our study of Vincent van Gogh.  We haven't had as much time to focus on this as I would like, so we are going to continue to do van Gogh related activities for another couple of weeks. 

We came across a mini van Gogh book in a set from Starfall.  O cut the pages, and we stapled them together.  I read the book to her, and then she read it to me.  After we finished reading the book, we found the book on Starfall and read it there.  O really enjoyed this activity. 

After we looked at the Starry Night on the ipad, O painted her own version of the Starry Night.  She loves the art set that her grandparents gave her for Christmas.

Both girls love the Touch the Art books.  Touch the Art: Make Van Gogh's Bed

Starry Night has always been O's favorite painting in this book.  The swirls are raised and glittery, and the girls love to touch them.

This book is also one that we've enjoyed for years.  Vincent's Colors

O recently did this beautiful embroidery at school.  She said she was thinking of The Starry Night when she made it.


  1. Thanks for yet another wonderful post! I just created our first art display with Van Gogh and I absolutely must have those books! At 17 mos old he's too young to do the art activities, but he seems to love "Starry Night" and those books will be perfect. Thanks again!

  2. Great book suggestions! They look amazing.

  3. Oh really its a great art. Marvelous!!!! I must bring it for them.Tanks to Van Gogh Art for introducing us such a great art.
