Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Enjoying Our Giant Chalkboard

We've been spending A LOT of time outside lately.  The weather has been beautiful, and I recently read a Charlotte Mason book (Charlotte Mason's Home Education in Modern English (Charlotte Mason Series Paraphrase)) that emphasized the importance of spending many hours (not just one or 2!) outside each day.   We always really enjoying our outside time, but sometimes it just feels like too much work to get out there.  It's definitely easier now that the baby is older, and I am committed to being outside as much as we can. 

We've started taking kayak rides in the lake several times a week.  I was always afraid to take them out by myself because I didn't think I could paddle and hold onto my squirmy baby (and I was afraid that she would stand up and topple over the side of the kayak!).  However, she is really good about sitting still in the kayak.  She understands that she must not stand up, and we have a great time.  It's so much fun to sneak up on the turtles, and we recently saw 5 baby turtles on the base of a Cypress tree. 

 In addition to our additional kayaking experiences, we've spent lots of time walking in the woods, playing on our swingset, and drawing on our giant chalkboard.  O is VERY interested in writing and drawing, and this is the perfect large space for her to do this. 


  1. Great idea! Thanks for sharing :) Do you keep it out there all the time? We have a block wall around our backyard and think this would be a wonderful idea. Thank you! If we end up doing it, I'll have to show you a pic!

  2. Yes, it's out there all of the time. It still looks great :)

  3. I LOVE that oversize chalkboard! My son would love that! I need to spend more time outdoors with my son. As a (much!) older mom, that isn't always easy for me. I am still waiting for some really nice weather, too, 37* here today.
