Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Quake Appeal

Please take a moment to check out Jo at A Bit of This and That's auction and links to other auctions to benefit victims of the earthquake in Japan.

I'd planned to host an auction or raffle from this blog, but life has gotten in the way. My grandmama died tonight, so I know I won't be able to get anything organized to post until the end of this week at the earliest. So, check back then.

Also, if you'd like to host an auction or raffle on your blog or bid on one on another blog, please read this post on A Bit of This and That.


  1. Thanks for that post on helping Japan. I'm really sorry about your grandma. You and your family are in our prayers.

  2. Arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you from Japan-- you are so kind to help in the midst of your own family's sorrow. Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your grandmother.

    Makoto ni arigatou gozaimasu. (that goes with a low bow).

    Yokohamamama (Yokohama, Japan)

  3. So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Prayers and love to you and your family.
