Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Peace, Hope, and Eiffel Towers

Yesterday, O drew a picture for my mom. She loves to make drawings and artwork to make sad people feel better. After she drew the picture, she explained it to me. I couldn't remember exactly what she said, so I asked her again today. The pictures consists of a small dot next to a large circle with 2 tall structures on the large circle.

The small dot stands for peace, the large circle is hope, and the 2 structures are eiffel towers. She said "It's peace because we want Guhguh's mommy to feel peace. Hope is because we hope my great-grandmama is getting better in heaven. The eiffel towers are the burying place. I don't know how to draw a grave, so I just drew eiffel towers." I adore this child.


  1. I like it, so beatiful, so espontaneous.

  2. WOW! There are not any words for something so special and sweet! What a wonderful blessing that O is!!

  3. Children see things in a lovely way!I'm really sorry for your lost,I hope time will give you peace and resignation. I also lost my grandmother a month ago it was such a painful moment and still is. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  4. Thank you Olivia! It is so special and beautiful. I love you for always and forever. Guhguh
