Friday, May 20, 2011

For Little House on the Prairie Fans

I posted yesterday that I'd found the entire Rose Years collection at the library, and I wanted to also tell you that there are books for the Martha Years (Laura's great-grandmother) Beyond the Heather Hills (Little House), the Charlotte years (Laura's grandmother)Little House by Boston Bay , and the Caroline years (Laura's mother) Down to the Bonny Glen (Martha Years). I didn't know about these books until just a few months ago, and I was SO excited to find out about them. We've only read one from each of the collections listed above as they are difficult to find at our local libraries, and we really enjoyed them. Happy reading!


  1. Thanks for sharing about these series. I loved Laura Ingalls books as a child and love reading about how your girls enjoy them as well. A highlight of my childhood was going to the Laura Ingalls museum in Missouri.
    I'm sure you'd know of it - but do any of your local libraries have an inter-library loan with a larger library?

  2. I've read every single book in the series as a young girl and I still go back and read them again!

  3. Ooh, thanks! We are still working our way through the original series. Still loving! Glad to know there are more books out there to continue on!

  4. I had no idea those were out there! Thanks!

  5. Have I mentioned that you are now my new best friend!!! Thanks so much for the info!

  6. So funny you posted this! I just found them as well but at the book store so it gave me hope that I could find them at the library too!!! We have read our copy of Little House in the Big woods more times than I can count!!!
