Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In Our 1st 10 Minutes of Summer Homeschool...

E counted to 10! Her articulation wasn't perfect, and she left out 4, but nobody expects perfection at 20 months old! Btw, I didn't teach her this. I usually only count to 3 with her!

Then, O(4) walked up to me and said 10 plus 11 equals 21. And all of this occured while I was checking email and facebook! Hmmm, homeschooling might be easier than I anticipated!


  1. Yay! That's wonderful, for both of them. I have kids about your kids' ages and I notice that my younger picks up on a lot of what we teach the older one.

  2. That's awesome! Isn't it great to discover how much they've learned when you're not even trying!

  3. Good work! I think that you should wear a cape because you are a SuperMama.

  4. I love your blog!! It is so fun to hear what you do with your girls and get inspiration for mine. My Lyddie is 18 mos and just started counting but consistently leaves out "2" and "6"! haha! It tickles me to hear her counting already
