Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Scrubbers

I gave the girls a pitcher of warm soapy water (at O(4)'s request), and the girls had a FANTASTIC time washing a baby doll stroller! This kept them busy for quite a while, and they eventually started scrubbing the floor. E(1) even cleaned a few cabinets when she came in the kitchen! I'm hoping I can make this a daily activity!


  1. Why do you think I have clean floors and a dirty house? Cause I have a 3 yr old that LOVES to wash the floors!

    Enjoy this...and just set out soapy water, then move up to showing them how to get the soapy water theirselves. Just be aware that the learning process means you're apt to go skidding across the floor one day and bust your butt. But, I still hold that a busted bum is worth a clean floor I didn't have to scrub! ;)


  2. I have done "bike washes" with day care kids. Last time I was in the nursery with about 5 fantastically well behaved 2-3 year olds we lined up all the chairs and washed them all.

  3. And that last comment was from me, not Evan. Evan is 10. He has no clue how to keep 2-3 year olds busy! (That's not entirely true either, he's really good with the little set. He's not so good at signing out of google!)

  4. JDaniel loves to wash his Cozy Coupe and the kitchen sink. Soapy water is a wonderful thing.
