Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Montessori At Home Blog Sponsor

Chasing Cheerios has a sponsor!!! Check out the Montessori At Home button in the right hand sidebar!

I recently wrote a review on Montessori at Home by John Bowman. You can read it here. It is truly a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to implement Montessori methods in their home. I wish that I'd had it 3 years ago!

I'm planning on implementing many of the ideas and lessons in our summer homeschool (beginning next week!). O(4) said that her goal for the summer is to do "math, math, and more math!" Luckily, Montessori at Home has lots of ideas and information for implementing Montessori math lessons!


  1. Good for you! :) We are working on math non stop too! :) Bunny loves it! I hope you guys have as much fun as we have been having!

  2. I'm reading "Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, From Birth to Age Three". Have you heard of this book? What do u think? Or do think the "Montessori at Home" book is better? Thanks, I'm new to Montessori and have a 14month old.

  3. We're using this as well. It's a gem! You'll love it!

  4. Congratulations! I am looking forward to reading your postings about the way you use the activities in your home. You really do have an awesome blog. Thank you for sharing.

  5. This blog has been such a great resource and just love all the ideas. I want to get the Montessori at home book, but when I look at the website it states for 3-7 year old. I have a 20 month old. Based on your experience do you think that it will provide age appropriate activities at this young age?

  6. I just love your blog- it has been such a great resource. I would love to get the Montessori at Home book, but I wasn't sure if it may not be age appropriate at this time. I have a 20 month old- do you think it's something we will be able to start using now?

  7. We've just bought a copy - looking forward to getting into some of it in the coming months :)
