Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Art on the Beach" Week...Handprint Canvas

The girls and I have had "Art on the Beach" Week this week, and it's been lots of fun. In fact, I think that we'll continue with daily art projects on the beach throughout the summer, since we've all enjoyed it so much.

One of our projects was to make a handprint canvas for their daddy for Father's Day. The girls decided to paint the canvas blue (blue is O's favorite color). The painted the whole canvas blue using tempera paint.

After the canvas was covered, we pressed their hands onto it to make handprints. We've done this several times in the past, but it's been almost 2 years since the last time, so I thought we needed updated handprints!

Getting the squirmy toddler's hanpdrint was not easy and took several tries...she kept moving her fingers when they were on the canvas. We are all happy with the final result, and we hope Elliott will love it!


  1. Hi! I've been a reader and admirer of your blog for a long time. My girls are roughly the same ages as yours. I just started a Friday creative idea link-up on my blog and would love to have you come link this up to share with my readers!

  2. This is super cute. Probably the "classiest" handprint art I have ever seen. :)
    I'd had a similar thought and did handprint Tshirts for Father's day. I've just started blogging, but here is a link to our project:
    Thank you for sharing all of your great ideas!
