Wednesday, June 8, 2011


My mom recently went to an organization seminar, and she's been reorganizing everyone's drawers. We were glad to have her help! She "filed" our clothing in our drawers, so now we can see exactly what's in there instead of having to tumble through everything to get to the bottom of a stack. This is a picture of O(4)'s drawer. O is VERY excited about this!

O and my mom worked together to organize her mini American Girl dolls in her drawer. They arranged them in age order. O is thrilled with this! She loves her mini American Girls!

We still have a lot of organizing to do in our house, but things are definitely getting better. Life is so much easier and less stressful when things are organized!


  1. I love O's clothes drawer - it looks great! Could your mum visit my house next? ;)

  2. completely agree with you on the organisation, life just 'flows' and even my mind feels relaxed.
    O's draws look lovely, such a good idea to file them like that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love it! I need to take a class on organization also!! Thanks for the pictures. I am going to implement this in my sons' rooms!

  5. I LOVE this book, read it twice. She even mentions Maria Montessori!

  6. can I please borrow your mom? Fly her to me. I need her!

  7. Brilliant I am going home and doing this to my daughters drawers tonight..

  8. I saw this post awhile back and it has been on mind as we made a move out of state. So, when I organized my LOs room, I implemented the clothing technique. It worked so well that I redid all my drawers the same way. I LOVE it! It cuts down so much time searching and so much mess as well. Thanks for this post.

  9. Do you have to fold the shirts a particular way to get them vertical ??

  10. I worked for Ralph Lauren, I would have to colorize them too!!! LOL..great idea thought, cause now I take out the whole stack in my granddaughters drawers.So simple too, dont know why Ive never thought about it. Also,rolling cuts down on wrinkles! I would fold, then roll.
