Tuesday, July 19, 2011

E's Muffin Tin Lunch

I realized about a month ago that E(1) had never had a "muffin tin" lunch. I fixed this lunch for her, and she was thrilled (I usually serve the girls their lunches on trays).

E had rotisserie chicken, dip (Ranch), lightly steamed baby carrots, avocado chunks, kiwi, and cottage cheese with grape tomatoes. Deeeelicious!!!


  1. Love this!!!! I have the same muffin pan {and it makes me crazy that it is so bendy (sp) } but Amelia LOVES to have muffin tin monday!!!

  2. I love the idea of muffin tin meals but my 19 month old is insane with food lately and more and more things are joining the "no" list and all he wants to eat are snacks so I have banned snack foods for the a bit. Not that his snacks were unhealthy- they were usually sultanas, rice crackers, granola biscuits and sometimes goldfish crackers or dry cereal.

    If I served the above he would of dipped his fingers in the ranch and licked them and eaten the kiwi fruit. He might of tried the chicken.

    Any tips for helping mummies with picky eaters?

  3. Lulu- E(1) is pretty picky, too. It's all texture issues. It took months of me giving her a little taste of avocado a day for her to like them, and now she likes them. She's not a huge kiwi fan, but I always offer it to her when I fix it for O, and she's starting to like it more and more. So, just keep offering healthy choices and try to get him to take at least one bite or just let it touch his tongue. Don't give up, but don't be forceful about it. Eventually, he'll come around :)

  4. I use the same tecnics with my 2-year old but here we don't usually feed these kind of thing to small children.
    My daughter eats soup 90% of the times, at dinner and at lunch, she shares our food (rice, potatos or pasta and grilled or roasted meat or fish, for example) and we never use dip. We choose the much more healthy option: olive oil and my daughter loves to lick the letuce leaves to eat the olive oil ;)
    She eats the fruit as a dessert and she eats lots of it, in small pieces: peaches, mango, pears, plums... whatever!

  5. Oh, I LOVE the idea of using olive oil for dip! I cook with olive oil all the time, and we've used it for dipping bread, but never veggies. We'll definitely try this! Thanks!

  6. I love this idea. Thanks for sharing. My 2 year old daughter "ducky" would love this!

  7. Very creative idea but how do you keep your kid from throwing the muffin tin across the room? Mine is 12 months now--what age do they outgrow this??

  8. I don't know if your little girls will like this, but my 2-year old loves fresh tomato with olive oil. We like to sprinkle ours with oregano leaves. Are your familiar with the Mediterranean Diet? It's a moder nutritional recommendation and it reflects what we usually eat here in Portugal, in Spai, Italy and Greece. Portuguese olive oil is very good and we use it in everything.
