Sunday, August 14, 2011

DIY Flower Barrettes

My friend Rebecca recently showed me her daughter's flower barrettes, and I really liked them! I was actually surprised that I liked them so much, because I am not a "big bow" kind of mama. I prefer small barrettes and bows for my girls' hair. However, the girls loved the flowers, and so did I!

My immediate thought was "I can make that!" and even more exciting "I have everthing I need to make that!" I love it when I see a project or activity, and I already have everything I need to make it!

To make these flower barrettes, you need artificial flowers (I bought our flowers from Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off), alligator clip barrettes, and a hot glue gun and glue sticks.

I took the stems and back off of the flowers (I didn't take enough of the stem off with the first one I made, and the flower was much too high on the barrette), and hot glued them to the alligator clips...done! So simple and fast!

The flower looks huge on E(1)'s little head, but it was actually really cute...the perfect splash of color to go with her white dress (and she was very proud of her "hot pink!" pink is her favorite color).


  1. I love making clips and these are so pretty!

    Vicky @

  2. These turned out so nicely! I do miss the ready availability of dried and silk flowers. Just aren't to be found in Germany.

  3. Reminded me of that Big Bang Theory episode where they were selling Penny Blossoms.
