Tuesday, August 23, 2011

If you like paper dolls...

you can get a fantastic deal on mini-me paper dolls here. This offer ends tonight, so act quickly. I bought one of these paper dolls for my niece last Christmas, and it's just beautiful. O and E will both be getting Lily and Thistle Mini-Me paper dolls for Christmas along with a subscription to the outfit of the month club!


  1. Thank you for the heads up! I loved these dolls last time you posted about them. I just ordered 2; one for my daughter and one for my niece. So excited!

  2. Thanks for posting this! My daughter has a birthday next month and she will love it.

  3. Thanks for the tip on the paper dolls! I had seen these awhile ago, and thought them beautiful. I didn't buy them, because it was a lot of money to spend on something I wasn't sure my daughter would love. Happy to get this great deal, and hopefully she will love it!

  4. I've recently come across these gorgeous vintage paper dolls at http://tpettit.best.vwh.net/dolls/pd_scans/ginghams/index.html (check the index there's huge collection and they are all so gorgeous). I was quite owe struck people would put such lovely things for free download - there are so many genuinely nice people in this world! I've printed some and given to my daughter. She just loves it. Also it has some international paper dolls, it will go well with the culture exchange. Hope O and E loves them too :)
