Monday, September 5, 2011

Laura Ingalls Wilder Fun Pack, Part 2

O(5) received her 2nd Laura Ingalls Wilder Fun Pack a couple of weeks ago. She surprised me by asking about it a day before I had it ready. I was a couple of days late getting it "in the mail," but I didn't think she'd notice. It turns out that she was more excited about it than I realized!

For the 2nd LIW Fun Pack, she received a letter from Laura, a photo of Laura, a Little House Craft Kit (making sachets...I bought a set of these kits off ebay), stick candy, buttons (for her button collection) and a Laura book. She loved everything, but she was especially excited about the buttons and the candy.

1 comment:

  1. This is so so cool! I can't wait until my kiddos are old enough for Little House!
