Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Feather Collection

The girls and I have found lots of pretty feathers lately, and I realized that we needed a safe place to put them (they were getting ruined and/or lost).

Floral foam works perfectly for displaying the feathers! The girls were really excited about this since they can easily remove and then return the feathers to their display. E(2) likes to scratch at the foam and make a mess, but it's not a big deal. The floral foam crumbs will make for a great lesson on sweeping!


  1. Wonderful idea! We have a growing collection of beautiful feathers on the window sill!

  2. I was always told as a child not to pick up feathers because they had mites or lice. Is that not really a concern? I think this is a lovely idea!

  3. Alexis- I was JUST talking about this with my mom. She had me so scared of feather germs that I didn't let O touch a feather for years. I'm finally over that, and we've had no trouble with mites or lice...I think (hope) it must be an urban legend or something like that :) Although, maybe we should keep our collection on the porch just to be on the safe side... :)

  4. I love this! Feathers are such fun finds, but I never know what to do with them!

  5. The feather keeper is a really clever idea. I get lots of good ideas from your blog. My 2 year old spent the better part of last winter dropping popsicle sticks into water bottles. :)
