Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sorting Gummy Bears

E(2) received a bag of gummy bears in her ABC Fun Pack, and she was SO excited about them! At first, she called them Yogi Bear (we went to a Yogi Bear Campground in May, and she's loved Yogi ever since), and I thought that she might not know it was candy. That was wishful thinking because she soon informed me that "It's candy! I eat it and it tastes dood (good)!"

I laid out 3 different colors of construction paper and gave her a small bowl of gummy bears. I told her to sort the bears by color. I thought about demonstrating the activity to her, but decided to wait and see what she would do. She knew exactly what to do and immediately got to work. She LOVED this activity especially since she got to eat a couple of gummy bears after she finished!

1 comment:

  1. Your activities are so "sweet". Sorry. Had to make the joke! We love your blog and are planning on using tons of your ideas with my special needs son.
    I just started blogging today, and would like to occasionally link to your blog if I try your activities with my kids. Would that be alright?
