Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween Coloring and Activity Books

The girls LOVE the Halloween coloring/activity books that I made for them last week!
(the zipper pouch is covering their names)

I printed the coloring pages from Activity Village and DLTK. I LOVE Activity Village!

E(2) has really loved coloring in her book!

Here are a few of the pages...

These books have caused so much excitement since they came in the "mail" that I'm already planning a Christmas version.


  1. Thanks so much for the idea of binding these. I have a binder and usually let dd just pick what sheets to do. This should keep them together a lot nicer.

  2. I really like this idea. Karen
    Sippy Cup Central

  3. These are great! I recently started a coloring pages blog - Feel free to include some of my drawings! I added a Halloween coloring page a few days ago.
