Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Felt Board

E(2) and I had fun playing with our Halloween felt board on Friday morning. I have to admit that while E loves this activity, I think that I may enjoy it even more than she does!


  1. Ooh, I love it! Total re-inspiration for me to make a felt board! (Something I've been meaning to do). That is such a cute idea to do it with jack-o-lanterns!

  2. I love this felt board game! I need to do more with my felt boards soon.

  3. i've had the stuff to make this in the closet for 2 years!!! shame shame shame!

  4. I love it! How did you make your felt board? Is the background felt the same texture as the cut-up pieces? I've been wanting to do this with my 21 month old.

  5. Love this idea! I pinned this activity and shared your blog over at our Sunday Blog Share today. We always love the stuff you come up with. Thanks!

  6. I love it! Do you have a story or fingerplay to go with it?

  7. I love this idea! I'm your newest follower and would love you to share your post on my new link party at

    Thank you!!

  8. So cute! My 2 year old is on my lap, and he thinks the pumpkins look pretty fun! :)

    We have the same felt board...this is a "duh" moment, but I never thought to use it with anything other than the dinosaurs that came with it. Guess what we'll be doing with it now...THANKS!

  9. You could easily use most of these pieces and add a few more and do a snowman-head themed one (add a stovepipe hat, corncob pipe, button nose, carrot nose, and "coal" circles. And big white circle heads.) Same for an Easter Bunny theme.

    And I can't believe I didn't think of this either! Bravo, and thanks for sharing!

  10. Love it! Will try to get some felt this weekend and try it for Halloween :) Thanks for sharing!
