Saturday, October 29, 2011

O's Halloween Puppets

O(5) and I have really enjoyed having "O and Mama Craft Time" after E(2) goes to sleep at night. We usually spend about 30 to 45 minutes crafting and reading. One our first projects was sewing Halloween puppets from a Family Fun craft kit (that I bought after Halloween last year from WM). O loves to sew, and this was lots of fun for both of us.

We made one puppet per night for 3 nights of "Mama and O Craft Time." After she finished the puppets, she decided to draw pictures of them in her drawing journal.

I spelled the words for her for the ghost and witch drawings.

I had to bite my tongue to not correct her when she was writing the "E" in Wendy. I'm so glad that I didn't correct her...I love the 6 lines on the E!

I encouraged her to sound out the words herself when she was writing "Scott the Skeleton." I love how she wrote it! What a treasure these imperfections will be once she is reading and writing with ease!


  1. I had to laugh at the "E" because my daughter does the same thing! She draws the vertical line and then just goes to town until it's full. Such cute projects!

  2. Love all your Halloween posts, such clever ideas, we may do the lollipop tree next year.
    Please stop by my blog, Here On Hartland, and enter to win a year's subscription to Family Fun magazine!

  3. Love these! My daughter does her own versions of some letters too -like colouring the middle of her 'a' in! Good idea getting her to sound out words while writing them. I am going to start doing this instead of gving my dd the words to copy
