Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Advent "Calendar"

We have 24 Christmas books (wrapped in fabric bags) under our tree! Each bag has an activity in it (or a note card describing the activity) that relates to the book. This is the first year EVER that I have had all of our advent activities and books ready before December 1!

The girls love opening the bags to find the books, and the activities have been a success! I love Christmas!

Thanks to my mom for helping me get the books wrapped and the numbers on them!!!


  1. love that you wrapped them in fabric bags. Paper is such a waste! we are doing a paper free christmas here
    -Jada roo can do

  2. Would love to see your list of books.

  3. We do the exact same thing! Last year I got myself together and paired books and activities in bags as I put away Christmas, so they were ready to go this year. All I had to do was put them in order before Advent started. A little more work at the end of the season made it totally worth it to pull out already done this year!

  4. ooooh! an activity inside too! I've got the books wrapped and we've been enjoying unwrapping them. Its like a gift everyday! We make christmas pillowcases every year (with my four girls) and they are allowed to pick out the fabric. I was starting to amass quite a collection and am now using them to wrap our presents. When I get to 25 I'll use them to wrap the books! what a great idea!

  5. I'd love to hear the books and activity ideas!! We have an activity a day ino ur advent calendar and some days are a book to open. But I like how you combined both.
