Monday, January 23, 2012

1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum...Still Researching

Thanks for all of the comments on the 1st grade homeschool curriculum post!  I've spent hours and hours (in the middle of the night...I should be sleeping!) researching curriculums, and here's where we are right now...

I REALLY like History Odyssey and Science Odyssey.  If anyone has any links to reviews or blog posts about this curriculum, please email me or leave a comment!

I also REALLY like Rightstart Math and Life of Fred, and we may do both.

I'm leaning towards Language Lessons for Little Ones 3, Spelling through Copywork, and Pictures in Cursive (all from Queen Homeschool).

I'm still undecided about Spanish.  I've been focusing on the other subjects, but I'll start reading more about Spanish programs soon.

We have FIAR Volume 2, so we'll probably use that.  We did a couple of books before O started Montessori school, and we really enjoyed it.

 O(5) is VERY interested in American History, and I haven't found anything that really strikes me yet.  So, I may create our own American History curriculum based around the American Girl books.  We've read or listened to the audio books (via Tales 2 ipad app ever!) for almost all of the books, and I think we could have a great time using these books as the basis of our history study.  O and I have already talked about this at length, and she thinks it's a great idea, too :)

I'm intrigued by Pink and Green Mama's Exploring Great Artist E-books, and I'd love to read reviews of these books, so if you have used these books or know of someone who has, please let me know.

Maybe Maestro Classics for music...Again, I'd love to hear from you if you have used these.


  1. History and Science Odyssey are on our list for First grade as well, I love that it's really hands on and that it uses real books!

  2. That sounds great! Trust your instincts, momma! I am using Heart of Dakota for K right now, but will continue to use it for 1st, too. We love it.

  3. Your American History idea is aweosme! I tried something like that when Bunny was 3 (yes she was young, but loved hearing the books). I was thinking about revisiting this idea next year too! If you get it together I would love to hear your ideas!

  4. Dear friend,
    I found this link (see below) in another blog named "ourworldwideclassroom". Tought that you could be interested :-)
    100 home school top blogs

  5. Did you see the Prairie Primer? Curriculum based on Little House. I don't know anything about it at all so have no idea if it's appropriate but was reading a discussion about it recently.

  6. We are HUGE Five in a Row fans here, and we've also really enjoyed Language Lessons for Little Ones, right now we're working through the non phonics and reading portions here, since we use All About Reading and All About Spelling.

    I have Pink and Green Mama's Exploring Great Artists, and you're welcome to email me about it. You might also want to look at Confessions of a Homeschoolers Art study, that you can get free here:

    I have heard good things about My Father's World's U.S. History. I know it's intended for 2nd grade, but it might be worth looking into.

  7. We love the Exploring Great Artist ebooks :)

    here is a link to my review @ Peace Love and Rainbows

  8. Just seconding the Pictures in Art! They're beautiful.
