Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Argentinean Lentil Stew and Chipas

The girls and I have cooked several Argentinean foods lately, and we've really enjoyed it!  I don't love to cook, so our study of Argentina has been a good motivator for me.  It has also motivated me to include the girls in meal preparation more often (which they have loved).

Last week, we made Argentinean Lentil Stew.  I found the recipe on  The girls didn't love the stew, but they ate it.  O(5) loved peeling and helping cut the carrot.  She also helped cut the apple.

We also made Chipas (Argentinean Cheese Bread), which they LOVED!  O(5) said that kneading the dough was more fun than playing with playdough!

The girls loved mixing in all of the ingredients.  I'm guessing that I should have melted the butter, but I usually don't think of things like that until it's too late.

Kneading the dough is SO much fun!

They REALLY loved rolling the dough into golf ball sized balls.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Nice recipe :) i loved it,Nice recipe to present as a gift to girls.keep sharing more.
