Friday, March 30, 2012

We Are Thankful...

for family walks down quiet country roads.
for seeing a turkey strut!
for seeing 3 large alligators (we were in the car).
for walks by the lake.
for a balancing daddy.
for egg hunt lunches.
for our sports star.
for boat driving lessons on a hot March afternoon.
and so much more. Elliott's surgery to remove his brain tumor is scheduled for Monday morning. Please keep him and our family in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. You and Elliot will be in my prayers this weekend and especially on Monday.

  2. Io sono italiana e vi leggo da poco, pregherò per voi con tutto il cuore.

  3. Prayers for your sweet family & that the doctors hands will be guided by God.

  4. Your family will be in my prayers!

  5. We are thankful for your blog! Been following for a while, picking up ideas, but don't think I've ever commented. Praying for safety and peace for you all, now and Monday. -A follower in ND

  6. Our family will be thinking of you and your family all day Monday.

    Thank you for your wonderful blog and for sharing a part of your life with us. I have been a follower of your blog since my first daughter was born. You inspire me to be a better mother. Thank you.

    Take the very best of care. Lots of prayers are coming your way.

  7. Praying for you and your sweet family. Thanks for sharing your life with us

  8. I have been thinking about your family lately and I will absolutely be praying on Monday. You bless many people with your encouraging words and ideas and I pray that your family is blessed knowing how many of us are saying prayers for you all and especially Elliott.

  9. what a beautiful post.

    Elliot, You and the girls are in my thoughts and prayers. I will add him to our church prayer chain if that is ok.


  10. We will be thinking of you and lighting a candle. <3

  11. Thoughts XXX


  12. Dear Melissa,

    You'll be in our family prayers this week. Thanks for sharing your experience and teaching us that we should always appreciate the simple things God allows us to enjoy, especially family love and everything we do together. God bless you all!!!

    Maria Elena from Argentina

  13. We'll think about you. Be srong!

  14. You and your family will be in our thoughts.
    I send you a big hug from Spain

  15. You are and will continue to be in my prayers. I've been there (my dad had a brain tumor), and I want to offer your family my support the only way I can.
