Monday, May 14, 2012

More Cultural Exchange Information...

So, just to let you know how I'm setting up the cultural exchange (scroll down to previous posts if you don't know what I'm talking about)...

As I get the emails with your complete information (please send your info to, I am immediately forming the groups and sending out the emails with your group members names and addresses.  The group members should correspond via email to coordinate times that the packages should be sent and to discuss the specifics of the contents of the packages.

So far, I have many more Americans than anyone else.  I really don't want to put more than one American into each group, so I am forming the groups as soon as I get 3 non-Americans and then I am working my way up the list of Americans to add to the groups...the ones who emailed first will get first priority.

This seems to be a quick and easy way to organize the groups.  If it works as well as I'm hoping, I'll just keep organizing groups indefinitely.    Please link to the exchange on your blogs in order to get the word out...I really need more international participants!!!

Thank you!!!


  1. Hi there,
    I'd like to participate in the cultural exchange thing. I think my country will be interesting. I'm from Turkey. East of Europe, a country that connects europe and asia via 2 wonderful bridges. Would you kindly accept a mother and son?

  2. Ups... My email is
    From Turkey...

  3. Ayse- Please send your info to I'm organizing all of the groups based on the emails, so you need to send your info there in order to be included. Thanks!!!

  4. Hola Melissa acabo de enviarte un correo a la direccion que detallas, espero me tomes en cuenta para el intercambio. Besos
