Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reading, Painting, and Loving It!

The girls and I really enjoyed a "homeschool" activity last week....I read to them from a book about Vikings while they painted with their liquid watercolors.  It was so wonderful and peaceful, and we all learned a lot!  This is how I am envisioning us spending much of our school day...the girls painting or coloring while I read to them from our vast selection of books...love it!

When E(2) asked O(5) what she was painting, she said "it's from my imagination."

E said that she was painting a bird (and she was wearing her "old time" dress...another perk of homeschooling...they can wear pjs or dress-up clothes all day if they want to).


  1. Looks like fun! You have quite the little artists there! Love O's answer about her imagination! Renee

  2. LOVE the artwork! Reminds me that I need to pull out our art supplies for summer vacation!

  3. How fun! Can I ask where you found liquid watercolors? Thanks!
