Sunday, May 6, 2012

The "School" Plan for E(2)

I realized as I was writing the post about O(5)'s first grade curriculum that I should also share my plan for E(2).  Then after getting countless emails and a few comments asking about it, I realized I should write it sooner rather than later!  So, here is the plan for E(2)...

I will have several Montessori shelves set up for E...practical life, sensorial, math, reading, etc.  The girls will have some shelves with shared items (science, art, music), and some shelves that are just for one or the other (although I'm sure they'll go back and forth with them).  I'll give E lessons on any new "work" and she will be able to choose the work that interest her.  I plan to put out lots of work involving animals since she really loves animals.  (I'm hoping that she'll work independently while O and I do her math and reading lessons.  If not, she can join us and we'll make it work.)

E will participate in the art lessons and projects and the composers study.  She has REALLY enjoyed studying the various artist each month so far, and I think she has enjoyed it as much (or more) than O!  I am anticipating that she will LOVE the composer study and will probably dance her way through the study.  (she instantly becomes "Clara" from The Nutcracker anytime she hears classical music).

E will participate in all of the Spanish lessons and Sign Language lessons.  She LOVES Little Pim, and she loves learning sign language.  She stands in front of our ASL ABC poster and tries to make the hand signs for the various letters. 

I'm sure that E will also want to join in when we are reading the books that go along with O's Ancient History and American History curriculum.  She enjoys listening to chapter books and asks tons of questions as I read (which is sometimes frustrating for O).   I'm sure she will also participate in our science experiments and nature study.  I'll adapt the materials for her and give her a nature notebook and crayons so that she can do her own work while O is working. 

E has been receiving ABC Fun Packs this year (a subscription that I put together as part of her 2nd bday gift), and next year she will receive a weekly or bi-weekly book and activity in the "mail."  I'll use the books and activities from BFIAR, Peak with Books, and FIAR Volume 2.

I'll use Montessori at Home by John Bowman as a guide for activities for E, and I'll also look back to Chasing Cheerios 2009 for activities (unfortunately a lot of the pics are missing from that year, but maybe I'll get them restored this summer...). 

E will spend the vast majority of her time listening to books read aloud, playing outside and digging in the dirt, and playing pretend with whatever she chooses  (boxes, straws, dress-up clothes, play food, blocks, etc. ).   Although there are so many tempting printables out in blogland, I am going to try to avoid worksheet type activities for E as much as possible.


  1. Hi there! I love, love your blog. I have a son who will be 3 in July (and a 16 month old). My question is how structured are your days teaching/learning/guiding with E? We're doing a lot of home learning but nailing down a set schedule is a challenge. Thoughts? Thanks! ~ Marnie

  2. Sorry, one more question for you. Do you go in Alpha order with letters? I was told not to...just curious about your approach...

  3. We are very unstructured with E. I am very much in favor of following the child's lead, so that is what we do. We are very laid back and relaxed with our schedule. We don't go in ABC order, but I don't have a specific order that we use...we just do whatever letter works best for us. She already knows all of her letters (I guess she just learned them through reading books and playing on the ipad), so I'm not actually trying to teach the letters to her. We are just having fun with them to reinforce what she already knows. HOpe that helps.

  4. Thanks for this post Melisa!!! It helps a LOT!! to me... I'm working with my girls of 5 and almost 2!! Thank you!!
