Friday, May 25, 2012

Water Transfer with a Baster

E(2) and I spent O's last day of school with her (I am the class photographer, and I'm making the school yearbook, so I wanted to get pics of graduation practice and last day activities).  I didn't actually intend for E(2) to do "work" like the other students, but she jumped right in, and since it was fine with O's teacher, it was fine with me.  E thoroughly enjoyed herself, and she showed me several works that she wants to have on her homeschool shelves.  She particularly likes any "work" involving water.

She enjoyed transferring the water from one bowl to the other using a baster.  This is an easy and fun work that I'll definitely be putting on the Montessori shelf in our new school room!


  1. Love that idea! I will have to set that out for my girls! I need to think of more things like this.

  2. I don't have a Montessori shelf - but that will be a great addition to the bathtub toys. My Sunshine will love it, and just in time for the really long summer baths at the end of the day.

  3. I love the baster idea, so simple. My boy will love it.
